Lie groups and Lie algebras

General course information

Please note that this module will run over weeks 1-10, at half the usual intensity. This is because the material is quite advanced, so I believe you need to digest it more gradually than a 5-week module allows.
Jonny Evans
j.d.evans at
Office hours
Let's set this during the first session.


  • 40% fortnightly courseworks (submitted via Moodle)
  • 50% in-depth project (30% for the written component, 20% for presentation)
  • 10% for presenting one solution to one of the fortnightly courseworks in a workshop


Each week there will be:
  • two in-person Live Sessions,
  • for each Live Session, a certain amount of pre-class video/notes you need to watch/read beforehand and a couple of "pre-class exercises" for you to think about.

Live sessions

The Live Sessions will be an opportunity to discuss the material you have watched. I will ask you questions, you can ask me questions, we'll work as a group through examples and problems. It is important that you either watch the relevant videos or read the relevant notes before the Live Session.

Question sheets and workshops

Each fortnight, there will be a question sheet with a (potentially large) number of questions on it. You are expected to submit 4-5 solved questions each fortnight. These will be worth 40% of the grade for this module. Detailed information about how grades will be assigned can be found here. The links to these question sheets are on the main course page. We will have a fortnightly workshop session to discuss your solutions to these problems. At one of these, you will give a presentation of one of your solved problems (after getting feedback on your answer) and this presentation will be worth 10% of the final grade.


The remaining 50% of your grade will come from an in-depth project, split equally between a written component (approximately 10 pages) and a presentation component. This will be due in January. For more information about specific projects and how they will be assessed, see the page on in-depth projects.

No Exam

There is no examination component for this module.

Notes and videos

This page has a complete set of HTML notes with embedded (YouTube) videos. They are grouped according to which Live Session will discuss them. Note that some of the videos are completely optional and won't be covered in a live session.

If you click on the "week 1", "week 2", etc headings then you will see just the video links for the sessions that week, as well as the corresponding pre-class questions.

The average length of video you'll need to watch for a Live Session mostly ranges from 20-40 minutes. The exception is Week 1, Session 1 (0 minutes!) and Week 1, Session 2 (almost a full hour). This "feature-length" Session 2 will make sure we quickly get onto interesting stuff, so that you can get started on in-depth projects and fortnightly problems.

Video alternatives

If you are unable to view YouTube, you can access the videos on Planet eStream

If you do have access to YouTube, you can also just binge on the YouTube playlist