18. Geometric viewpoint on simultaneous equations, 2

18. Geometric viewpoint on simultaneous equations, 2

3 variables

Now let's look at higher dimensional systems.

Consider the equations x - y + z = 1 , x - z = 0 . The set of points whose coordinates satisfy these equations is a subset of 3-dimensional space 𝐑 3 . Each equation cuts out a plane; their intersection (the set of simultaneous solutions) is a line. :

The two planes x-y+z=1 and x-z=0 in 3D

The solution of the equations is z = x , y = 2 x - 1 ( x is a free variable); this gives us a parametrisation of the line of intersection: it consists of vectors of the form ( x 2 x - 1 x ) .

Each equation a 1 x + a 2 y + a 3 z = b gives us a plane. This plane is orthogonal to the vector ( a 1 a 2 a 3 ) . The z -intercept is where x = y = 0 , so z = b / a 3 .

Let's consider the system x - y + z = 1 , x - z = 0 , x - y = 0 . The first two planes are the same as before; the third equation gives a third plane. The set of solutions is the set of triple intersections between these planes. Solving, we get x = y = z and z = y = 2 z - 1 , so x = y = z = 1 . Therefore there is a unique triple intersection point at ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) .

Higher dimensions

An equation a 1 x 1 + + a n x n = b in n variables defines a hyperplane in n -dimensional space 𝐑 n . This is the hyperplane orthogonal to the vector ( a 1 a n ) .

If v = ( x 1 x n ) is a vector of variables and A v = b is a system of m simultaneous equations encoded with an m -by- n matrix A then each row of A defines a hyperplane A i 1 x 1 + + A i n x n = b i in 𝐑 n . The set of solutions is a subspace of 𝐑 n . Subspace is a catch-all name, which includes points, lines, planes, hyperplanes, and everything in between (for which we don't have everyday words).

Consider the equations w + x + y + z = 0 and x - y = 1 . This is a pair of equations in four variables, so defines a subspace of solutions in 𝐑 4 . Each equation gives a 3-dimensional hyperplane in 𝐑 4 . Their intersection is a 2-dimensional subspace (plane) living in 𝐑 4 . Solving the equations: w = - 2 y - z , x = 1 - y . We see that y , z are free variables and w , x are dependent variables. The fact that there are two free variables is another way of saying that the subspace of solutions is 2-dimensional: each free variable is a coordinate on the subspace of solutions.


More generally, the dimension of the subspace of solutions equals the number of free variables: we can think of the free variables as parameters for describing points in the subspace of solutions.