30. Geometry of determinants, 2

30. Geometry of determinants, 2

Higher dimensions

Last time we saw a geometric interpretation of the determinant of a 2-by-2 matrix A as the area of a parallelogram obtained by applying A to a square. This result holds in all dimensions, though we will not prove it:


If A is an n-by-n matrix and S insideR^n is the unit n-dimensional cube then the absolute value of det A equals the volume of A(S).


The absolute value signs around the determinant need to be there because areas and volumes are positive but determinants can be negative. In the proof of the 2-by-2 case, I hid the issue in the picture I drew: if I had switched the vectors a, c and b, d in the picture, we would have ended up with b c minus a d, i.e. minus det A.


In higher dimensions, A(S) is no longer a parallelogram, but a parallelopiped ("parallel-legged"): a shape whose faces are parallel pairs of congruent parallelograms.


Another useful characterisation of the determinant (which we won't prove) is the following.


Let a_1, a_2, etc up to a_n be vectors in R^n. Consider the simplex with vertices at 0, a_1, a_2, etc up to a_n. Then the volume of this simplex is det A over n factorial where A is the matrix with columns a_1 up to a_n.


A simplex is the simplest convex shape you can draw with these vertices: you take the vertices, connect them by lines, and then fill in all the space in between. (More formally, this is called taking the convex hull of the vertices). In 2 dimensions this gives a triangle (3 vertices). In 3 dimensions you get a tetrahedron.

A triangle and a tetrahedron (2- and 3-dimensional simplices)

These two theorems are closely related: you can decompose a cube into n factorial simplices. Rather than proving either of them, I want to use this second theorem to calculate the volumes of some tetrahedra in R^3.


Take a_1 = 1, 0, 0, a_2 = 0, 1, 0 and a_3 = 0, 0, 1. The corresponding tetrahedron has volume 1 over 6 times det of the identity matrix, which equals 1 over 6.

The tetrahedron with vertices at (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1)

Take a regular tetrahedron (d4 for the roleplayers out there) with vertices at a_0 = 1, 1, 1, a_1 = 1, minus 1, minus 1, a_2 = minus 1, 1, minus 1 and a_3 = minus 1, minus 1, 1. (These vertices are half of the vertices of a regular cube centred at the origin with sidelength 2.)

A regular tetrahedron (4-sided die!)

Translating by minus a_0, we get the vertices 0, a_1 minus a_0, a_2 minus a_0, a_3 minus a_0, so we can apply our theorem with A the 3-by-3 matrix with columns a_1 minus a_0, a_2 minus a_0 and a_3 minus a_3, i.e. 0, minus 2, minus 2; minus 2, 0, minus 2; minus 2, minus 2, 0. We compute the determinant using the cofactor expansion along the top row: volume equals the absolute value of 1 over 6 time det of this matrix, which equals 1 over 6 times the absolute value of minus minus 2 times det of minus 2, minus 2; minus 2, 0; minus twice the determinant of minus 2, 0, minus 2, minus 2 which equals 2 over 6 times the absolute value of minus 4 minus 4 which equals 16 over 6

Determinant as scale factor for volumes

det A is the scale factor for volumes of cubes under the transformation A. Since any volume is defined by subdividing/approximating by smaller and smaller cubes, det A is the scale factor for any volume under the transformation A. From this point of view, the formula det of the product A B equals det A times det B is just telling us that if we apply the transformation B and then the transformation A, the volumes rescale by det B and then by det A, giving a total scale factor of det A times det B for the composite transformation.