MATH105 Linear Algebra



This module is flipped: there are two in-person Live Sessions each week, where we discuss the material from the videos/notes relevant to that session. In particular, you need to watch or read this material before the session. The notes/videos listed below are grouped by session; each video states its duration (e.g. ) and each session summarises the total duration of videos you need to watch for that session. Each video is embedded in an HTML page containing the notes (which are basically a transcript of the video). You can watch the videos or read the notes as you prefer. The "accessible versions" of the notes are intended to be read by a screenreader (all the maths is written out the way you would read it) - unless you are using a screenreader they will probably not be much use to you.

Week 1, accessible version

Session 1

Session 2

Week 2, accessible version

Session 1

Session 2

Week 3, accessible version

Session 1

Session 2

Week 4, accessible version

Session 1

Session 2

Week 5, accessible version

Session 1

Session 2